Tuesday, January 19, 2010

better late than never.

I've already learned a lot in 2010. And it's only a dozen and a half days in. Granted, most or all of those things were well on their way in '09. So, I've been inspired to make a list of New Year's Resolutions.

In no particular order:

- I resolve to face all relationships (strangers, family, friends, romantic, all of 'em) without reserve and with hospitality, kindness, and honesty.

- I resolve to pray more.

- I resolve to be proactive, both in my academic and personal life.

- I resolve to stay reasonably organized- I find that I am truly less stressed when I take that extra bit of time to take care of the little things.

- I resolve to put less stock in what other people think/feel about me.

- I resolve to take care of myself by making good choices in regard to both my physical health and the protection of my heart. Yeah, yeah: cheesy.

- I resolve to work freaking hard. I am capable of a crap ton, and that is what I am going to accomplish.

- I resolve to unashamedly be my dorky, silly, sarcastic self. It's just more fun than being self-conscious.

- I resolve to learn more about music every day.

- I resolve to continue working toward figuring out what it means to be a child of God in this crazy world.


What are your resolutions? How well have you kept them? It's not too late to pick them back up... Happy 2010, friends!